Jaume I University (UJI) is a higher education institution located in Castellón de la Plana (Valencian Community, Spain) and founded in 1991.
Regarding research ethics, UJI’s research group “Practical Ethics and Democracy” coordinates the European project ETHNA System (January 2020-June 2023). This project is focused on the development and implementation of an ethical governance system to promote good practice in responsible research and innovation (RRI) within higher education institutions, research centres and research funding bodies. During this project, UJI has taken steps towards institutional transformation through the incorporation of ethical tools. Specifically, the appointment of an Ethical officer, the development of a Good Practices Code in Research as well as new structures for Ethical Governance (Ethics and Integrity Committee, Ethics in Research in Humans Committee).
UJI team:
Carlota Carretero García is CATALISI project manager and researcher at Jaume I University Department of Philosophy and Sociology. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She completed pre-doctoral research stays at the Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and at the European Trade Union Institute (Brussels, Belgium). Her research interests are gender studies, feminist theory, entrepreneurship, employment, equality policies and emotions.

Ramón Feenstra is currently Head of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology at University Jaume I. He is also the Implementor Coordinator for Catalisi at UJI. He completed his undergraduate studies in Advertising and Public Relations and History before pursuing his PhD in Moral Philosophy at Jaume I University. His research interests primarily revolve around democracy theory, communication ethics, and research ethics
Laura Bernal Sanchez has an interdisciplinary background with a degree in Philosophy with a mention in the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science (University of Barcelona), a degree in Social Work (University of Alicante) and a Master’s degree. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Ethics and Democracy (University of Valencia and Universitat Jaume I) working on the topic of science, technology and ethics.
Since 2023, she has been the technical secretary of the Ethics and Integrity Committee (CEI), the Human Research Ethics Committee (CEISH) and the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (CEEA) at UJI. She is a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Transversal Research Training Plan of the School for Doctoral Studies.

Elsa González Esteban is the Vice-Rector for Social Responsibility, Inclusive Policies and Equality at Jaume I University. She holds a PhD in Philosophy (business ethics) from Jaume I University. Her lines of research are discursive ethics, applied ethics, business and economic ethics, theory of the stakeholders, corporate and organisational social responsibility, cosmopolitan governance, economic governance, and code of vàlues.
Patrici Calvo is an associate professor at Jaume I University Department of Philosophy and Sociology. He holds a PhD in Moral Philosophy from Jaume I University. His lines of research are economic and business ethics, ethics of things and ethification, algorithm democracy and government, moral neuroeducation and neuroconomics, smart health and bioethification, ethical monitoring systems and blockchain.