Transformations are successful when they are supported not just by university management but also by academic community, as well as by other university stakeholders. That is why it is very important to understand the local context that the changes are happening in, the values and expectations of different stakeholders that might serve as promoters and supporters of these changes. KTU team has started the analysis of local context from stakeholder mapping for each of the intervention areas, identifying key actors who might contribute with insights about the needs and expectations for the intervention actions.
All key stakeholders, both internal and external, were invited to participate in a workshop, co-led together by KTU team – prof. Egle Butkeviciene, prof. Audrone Telesiene and prof. Aiste Balzekiene – and Joanna Karas (ENoLL) on June 1st 2023 at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).
The workshop has invited representatives of all 4 quadruple helix for co-creative work on identifying barriers, needs, expectations and framework conditions that can influence the institutional transformation.
Kaunas University of Technology has decided to focus on the three major intervention areas:
(1) Human capital;
(2) Research Modus Operandi;
(3) Finance.
The discussions were focused around the 5 challenges (interventions areas) that KTU identified as the major ones to foster institutional transformation:
- How to ensure the talent circulation and encourage mobility of employees?
- How to accurately address lifelong learning?
- How to strengthen human capital and researchers’ capacities?
- How to enhance public engagement and inclusion of stakeholders, to solve social challenges?
- How to achieve sustainability in research funding, including important areas such as attraction of project funding, finances from scientific publications, and ensuring social impact of research?
The workshop took a co-creative approach, where stakeholders were working in small groups sharing ideas and experiences, and then summarizing and presenting results of group work in a plenary discussion.
The results of the workshop will be the major input for the further work, developing the strategy on how these 5 challenges are addressed with actions, supported with acceleration services.
CATALISI consortium consists of 3 partners acting as facilitators and 7 as implementers. Stay tuned for more stories and workshops to come!