On January 18th, the Consortium gathered in Castellón, Spain for the CATALISI first General Assembly bringing inspirational ideas and fruitful discussions!
The meeting was a great opportunity for the partners to share the achievements of the first year and exchange ideas on the next steps to be taken in the upcoming months. Amongst the results achieved, it is worth mentioning: the realization of the Learning Hub, a digital space for exchanging webinars on topics related to Research & Innovation, the CATALYST Hub, dedicated to the mapping of relevant funding opportunities tailored to higher education institutions, and finally the Community of Practice, a group of people with 116 members from 20 European countries who share expertise and experience in institutional transformation in HEIs.
The General Assembly was even an opportunity for the Higher Education Institutions partners to exchange amongst peers the individual pathway towards their own institutional transformation, given their specific contexts and challenges. The open discussion allowed to share several ideas on how to accelerate this institutional transformation in the field of Research and Innovation (R&I).
This General Assembly marked a crucial step in the identification of the key actions to be undertaken in 2024 thanks to different co-creation workshops facilitated by ENoLL, AUTH, APRE and F6S. The first co-creation workshop facilitated by APRE “Matchmaking and sharing of expertise from MML and Twinning”, aimed at advancing towards the organization of the Twinning exchanges, that HEIs are expected to perform during the next two years. In order to do so, participants, through a peer-to-peer exchange, validated the results emerged from the Matchmaking analysis and put forward the final proposals for the Twinning activities. Each HEI will visit at least three other HEIs through onsite exchanges, to learn about best practices and take advantage from the expertise provided by the host institution in the intervention areas where they need more support.
APRE also facilitated the workshop on “CoP future perspectives” with the aim to gather feedback and discuss with partners about the ways to best engage and animate the members of the Community of practice for the benefits of the project. Several ideas emerged related to the organization and topic for the next MML online workshop with the CoP, as well as interesting ideas on how to involve the CoP members more actively in CATALISI activities such as including some of them as mentors, coaches or in dissemination activities and in onsite workshops.