Great success for the participation of APRE at the Reinforcing Conference held in Vienna on the 7th and 8th of October!
CATALISI Capacity Building Acceleration Service for European HEIs
Laura Mentini and Stefania Laneve, part of the coordinating team of the CATALISI project, presented the CATALISI Capacity Building Acceleration Service for European HEIs in a dedicated workshop, where they had the opportunity to share the methodology and first successful results of mutual learning, peer learning and Twinning activities carried out with the aim to support transformational pathways of European HEIs.
The lively discussion with participants after the presentation helped advance in reflecting about the sustainability of the acceleration services after the end of the project. Moreover, reflections about the process of organizational and institutional changes in universities, its challenges and contradictions, the necessary actors to involve and the need to scale up the project’s activities by liaising with European alliances and associations was particularly useful and inspiring.
The forum was also an opportunity to discuss together with key actors in the Open RRi field about the gaps and challenges of mainstreaming ORRI practices, and collectively think about how to better implement and operationalize these principles, at different levels and in different contexts and sectors. Discussions and active reflections also focused on the policy recommendations needed to integrate RRI in society and support sustainable and just transitions.
The event was overall a great opportunity to meet other inspiring projects and actors in the field of Open RRI policy and governance and advance together towards making research always more transparent, open and responsible, thus meeting the needs and challenges of society.